Saturday, April 14, 2007

*NEW* John's Dawn Wax Worms (pics added)

The other week I was remembering how last spring I caught a ton of pannies with preserved Uncle Josh garlic-flavored wax worms, they were excellent bait in springtime, especially when the fish starting get sick of regular worms. The only problem I found with the preserved wax worms, was they fall off the hook so easily when casted and all it took was 1 or 2 sunfish before they bit the thing off the hook anyways..

So I started thinking, maybe I could tie my own variation of a imitation wax worm that you could fish as-is (for steelhead) or add a little scent onto (for panfish), thus we have now have "John's Dawn Wax Worms". At first I made 3 versions, and just as of lately I made a new & improved version that looks just like the real thing !!! Check it out.

John's Dawn Wax Worms - OLD VERSIONSJohn's Dawn Wax Worms - NEW VERSION

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